25 years of ministry in Brittany
On the first Advent Sunday, Christ Church Brittany came together to celebrate their 25th Anniversary.
The church gathered together in Ploërmel, on Zoom (in Huelgoat and Rostrenen) and online. It was wonderful to celebrate with visitors from past and present, including Beri Fray, who founded Christ Church Brittany with her late husband the Revd Roger Fray. Our readings were from 1 Thessalonians 3.6-13, Luke 21.27-31 and John 15.5.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5).
Christ Church Brittany with Chaplain David McCleod and Beri Fray in the centre.
Please say this prayer for Christ Church Brittany:
Father, we thank you for your faithfulness in bringing Roger and Berenice to Brittany with a vision for your kingdom growing in this place. We thank you Jesus for La Mennais Brothers, their generosity and care, for the hospitality of local Roman Catholic Churches and Mairies, for the support of the Intercontinental Church Society, for partnership with the wider church in Brittany, for the Diocese in Europe, for the leadership of Hazel, Fred, Jeremy, Robin and David and for all who have, and who will, make Christ Church a community of faith, hope and love.
We thank you Holy Spirit that you walk with us on this journey. Equip us to be good news to all and help us to make new disciples. On this special day, we commit ourselves afresh to love God and love our neighbours, to plant seeds of faith and help them grow, to be light in the world, and to pray ‘your kingdom come’.
(Story and photos taken from the CCB Facebook page. With thanks.)