Going the distance… 

Going the distance is the strapline of the Bush Church Aid Society.  Our partner mission that ICS helped support since its inception over 100 years ago.  The strapline resonates with me, and I hope with you because it gives a sense of history, optimism and most of all determination to keep moving forward. 

The thing that is important to ICS, is to make Jesus known, to plant and support churches where people can encounter the living God, it is deep in our DNA, we delight when we hear of people coming to faith in Christ and journeying on with him.  This is going the distance for us.  We serve on five continents, in twenty countries, through church planting, supporting churches and mission partners in their ministries, and through outreach projects.  We work with people who speak English as their first, second or even fifth language.  They are welcomed and amongst us will find a place where they can be cared for and hear about the Lord Jesus. 

We can achieve what we do because of the most generous support of people who stand alongside us and give financially, and in prayer.  So, I ask you to walk with us as we endeavour to go the distance, to make a gift to the ministry and life of ICS.  It may be £1000, £500 or £50, or whatever sum is appropriate to you.  We are so grateful to God for the loyal, sacrificial support from people like you who stand with us.  Secondly, could I ask you to consider giving regularly, if you already do, thank you, could I ask you to think about increasing your standing order to ICS?  Ongoing regular support is so important to us as we plan and develop new opportunities. 

Donate to the Autumn Appeal


Wengen Appeal