Pancake Day in Ibiza

A Shrove Tuesday get-together was organised by Sarah Milburn, to raise funds for the church in Ibiza. On offer was a selection of pancakes, some made with eggs and soya milk - for those allergic to milk - and some made with chickpea flour and water - for those allergic to gluten. To top it all, there were twelve (!) choices of fillings both sweet and savoury.

The sun shone which was especially welcome after several days of cloud and drizzle, so people were able to sit outside and walk round the garden to see the fruit trees, some still in blossom, other plants, the fish and the Muscovy ducks and hens. 

It was a very international turnout with people from Columbia, Mexico, USA, Germany, South Africa, Spain and from all over the UK (I may have missed some!).

We raised fractionally more money than last year which will be put to good use!

Sarah Milburn, Ibiza and Formentera English-speaking Church


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