A ‘new’ ICS Office

The ICS office has been refurbished and we are very pleased to have moved back in!

The office is now a comfortable space, is beautifully decorated, has a separate meeting room, an eating area, new windows and heating system, ready to support our Mission and Ministry Partners for many years to come.

A few days after we moved back in, we were delighted to welcome our first visitor, The Revd Roger Scoones. Roger came to collect a painting of St Bernard’s Wengen where he has served as Short-term Chaplain over many years. This summer, he is again the chaplain at St Bernard’s from 23 July - 6 August.

A few things still need to be finished in the office to complete the refurbishment but we are almost there and we look forward to welcoming more visitors in the future!


Arnhem and Nijmegen


Reasons to celebrate in Prague