
The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine

The Chaplaincy of Aquitaine first came into being in 1825, when a church community was established in Bordeaux. In south-west France, it seems that there have always been people seeking to worship God in the English language and so for some 185 years we have been able, as the Psalmist puts it, to ‘sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land’. (Psalm 137:4).

Our role is to minister to the spiritual needs of English-speaking people in the Dordogne, Lot-et-Garonne and Gironde. We are home to Christians from all denominations. We also welcome those who are exploring questions of faith, or who are simply looking for companionship or support. All are welcome! Currently congregations comprising many different nationalities meet in a dozen or so worship centres in an area the size of Wales. Worship services in English are led by a growing team of clergy, lay readers and congregational worship leaders, and include Holy Communion, Morning Worship, Prayer and Praise, Family Services, and Evensong. Church Online is here.

Aquitaine is an ICS Patronage Mission Partner.

Bordeaux is a New Work that is supported by ICS. It is a vibrant multi-national congregation of all ages with an active Sunday School and Teen Group. You are Welcome! Find out more about the church in Bordeaux here.

Please make a donation to support the ministry throughout Aquitaine.  Thank you!


Christ Church Brittany